Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Realization about Sleep and Wii Problems

Something occured to me, just a little while ago. I put so much emphasis on staying up and avoiding sleep, that when it actually does come, I gladly push aside whatever else and embrace it. Granted, I'd be a lot more willing to sleep with a certain someone cuddled into my arms, but I find it hilarious that I emphasize my hatred of sleep one moment, then happily fall into it the next.

If anything, that indeciciveness would have probably been the thing that got me the name 'Flakey'. But that nickname was only given because of "Blake", my real name. Plus, "Flake" didn't sound as good. Now I hope you'll give me a break on this entry, because I've been up all night.

Something else happened, yesterday, maybe? My Wii broke. How beautiful is that? It made me want to break everything else so that my Wii would look less broken. Now, we know the cause. The double set of humidifers we have in this room weighed down the dust, which was probably in the Wii, and fucked everything up.

Needless to say, I'm certainly not pleased. I don't know what to do, really, because I've never cleaned a Wii before. We'll be grabbing some canned air to see if that'll do the job, but who knows.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A New Recipe?

Alright, through some thorough idiocy, I have found a new delicious snack that consists of two other very delicious snacks. You might be surprised.

Bacon, the salty, greasy, delicious snack that is enjoyed by nearly everyone, everywhere..


Kit-Kats. A wondrous treat consisting of a few layers of wafers and chocolate, surrounded by more chocolate.

You combine the two. You simply wrap a strip of cooked bacon around a Kit-Kat and devour it. I've found it works best with Hormel microwavable bacon. [It's pre-cooked and goes in the microwave for less than a minute, even when cooking a full pack. It's much more delicious than it sounds, I swear.]

The rich, smooth taste of the Kit-Kat mixed with the wild and unique taste of bacon blend together, making something that rivals the promise of an afterlife. I mean it.

Chocolate and bacon are two things that'll get you fat really, really, REALLY quick. So if you're looking to gain weight, this is probably most definitely a beautiful combo.

If you, my reader, ever get the guts to try such a delicious, delicious, INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS treat, comment and tell me how you like it.


Friday, December 26, 2008

A New, NEW Start?

Hello, sports fans! ..Sports fans.. I'm not a sports fan, and I don't know why people say that phrase. Hello, faithful reader! Notice how this is singular. You're my one reader. Now let's get lost in the world together.

This blog was started earlier, at http://www.thepoisionarchive.blogspot.com/, but I accidently misspelled 'Poison' in my URL, so I started it over here instead. [Gimme a break! It was 4 in the morning. XD]

This will be a blog about nothing, and almost everything. My name is Blake, I'm an undisclosed
age. [So I could be 70, or I could be 7.] I'm not going to tell you my age because it would most certainly affect the way you, my reader, would read this. And I definitely don't want this.

I love writing, I love drawing, I love animals, and I love acting. I'm pretty good at writing and acting, but I blow at drawing. But I still love animals!I know you probably won't care, but I do -- I'm very happily taken, for what will soon be -- 10 months.

I'm living securely right now, nestled in a comfy home, imagining the arms of my lover wrapped around me. I have to imagine, because I can't be held by my lovey just yet. But that day will soon be here.

That's me in a nutshell, I guess. I usually don't continue diaries or blogs or whatever, but I'll try on this one.