Saturday, December 27, 2008

A New Recipe?

Alright, through some thorough idiocy, I have found a new delicious snack that consists of two other very delicious snacks. You might be surprised.

Bacon, the salty, greasy, delicious snack that is enjoyed by nearly everyone, everywhere..


Kit-Kats. A wondrous treat consisting of a few layers of wafers and chocolate, surrounded by more chocolate.

You combine the two. You simply wrap a strip of cooked bacon around a Kit-Kat and devour it. I've found it works best with Hormel microwavable bacon. [It's pre-cooked and goes in the microwave for less than a minute, even when cooking a full pack. It's much more delicious than it sounds, I swear.]

The rich, smooth taste of the Kit-Kat mixed with the wild and unique taste of bacon blend together, making something that rivals the promise of an afterlife. I mean it.

Chocolate and bacon are two things that'll get you fat really, really, REALLY quick. So if you're looking to gain weight, this is probably most definitely a beautiful combo.

If you, my reader, ever get the guts to try such a delicious, delicious, INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS treat, comment and tell me how you like it.


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